
Nature Prime provides exceptional business opportunities through
its specialized and segmented business areas.

  • Functional Foods/Dietary Supplements
  • Cosmetics manufacturing and Distribution business
  • OEM business
  • Functional Foods & Dietary Supplements Import/Export
  • IT business
Nature Prime is constantly researching with unrivaled technology and know-how

We strive to provide our customers with a healthy and happy lifestyle.


Nature Prime manufactures, distributes, and services a wide range of products through online and offline channels, while also expanding into IT services.

  • 01Manufacturing/Distribution
    Manufacturing and distribution of
    Health Functional Foods and cosmetics

    We produce high-quality health functional foods and cosmetics through our own brand development and OEM production, making them available to consumers at affordable prices.

  • 02Import/Export
    Build a fast and accurate global distribution network.

    We are establishing local offices and branches to build a global distribution network and expand into global markets with unique processes.

  • 03IT Services
    AI Avatar ‘illua’

    As a platform delivering AI-generated images, we are expanding to offer a wider variety of experiences for our users.